5 Best chest and abs workout at home

Working on your chest and your abs are two of the best ways that improve your body posture and strengthen your upper body. In this blog, we will look at the 6 Best chest and abs workout at home for which you do not need any of the gym equipment, To have a strong and toned chest and abs you don’t have to go for expensive gym memberships.

chest and abs workout at home cover

This blog provides you with chest and abs workouts to achieve your fitness goals and become attractive without ever leaving your home. For some people going out from home for exercise can sometimes be challenging due to limited equipment and space but after reading this article and getting proper knowledge from available sources you can transform your home into a training place. 

This blog gives an overview of the basic workout for your chest and abs, you can achieve your target appearance if you do these exercises in perfect form. If you want a better result you must consult to fitness experts to know the best and most effective exercises for your body.
So, whether you’re aiming to define your abs, build a stronger chest, or simply improve your overall fitness, read the full article. These exercises can transform your physique, boost your confidence, and give you a healthier lifestyle.

Chest and abs workout at home without any equipment

  • Wide-Arm Pushup
  • Renegade rows
  • Incline or Decline Push-Ups
  • Push-Ups with a Twist
  • Push-Up to Plank

Wide-Arm Pushup

 7 Best chest and abs workout at home : wide arm pushups

A wide-arm pushup exercise is just a variation of classic push-ups. This exercise focuses on the chest muscles, shoulder, and triceps. The only difference between wide-arm push-ups and regular push-ups is only the placement of the hands, in the wide-arm push-ups you have to place your hands wider than the shoulder width. know in detail about abdominal exercise clicking on the link: abdominal exercises

Let’s see how to perform this exercise:

  • Start by sitting in a plank position and your hands placed wider than shoulder-width apart as shown in the figure.
  • From your head to your heels form an imaginary straight line and engage your core muscles throughout the exercise.
  • Then lower your chest towards the floor while bending your elbows, try to maintain a controlled motion, but do not do it very fast
  • Lower your chest till the chest is just a few inches apart from the floor.
  • Push your arms to extend and return back to the starting position.
  • Repeat till you reach your desired number of repetitions as per your strength. 

Tips for performing wide-arm pushups effectively:

  • Maintain proper form: Try to maintain your body in a proper posture, during the exercise your body must be in a straight line from your head to your feet.
  • Engage your core: Tighten your abdominal muscles to stabilize your body during the exercise.
  • Warm-up: Don’t forget to warm up before doing this workout to prevent injuries. 
  • Start with variations: if you find doing this harder, you can start with its variations.
  • Gradually increase difficulty: when you become comfortable with wide-arm pushups, try to increase the number of repetitions or you can also try more advanced variations.

As with any exercise do not exceed your body limits too fast, be sure to listen to your body, and if in any case, you are experiencing any discomfort or pain, consult with a fitness professional or healthcare provider.

people also read: best abs workouts for men at home without any equipment

Renegade rows

The next exercise in our list of chest and abs workout at home is Renegade rows. Renegade rows are an effective exercise that focuses on multiple muscles at a time. This exercise trains multiple muscle group which includes your back, chest, shoulders, abs, and core of the body. This workout can also be practiced with kettlebells or dumbbells. Strength and proper stability are required for doing this exercise.

Let’s know how to do this exercise:

  • You can start with a pushup position holding dumbbells in each hand. Like pushups, your hand should be directly under your shoulders and the body must form an imagery straight line from your head to your feet.
  • Keep your body stable by engaging your core muscles. 
  • Now lift the dumbbell of one side of the ground pulling it towards your hip. Remember to keep your elbow close to your body when you do the rowing motion.

While you row the weight your chest should be facing the floor. 

  • Lower the dumbbell back to the floor while maintaining control.
  • Repeat the rowing motion with the opposite arm.
  • Lift one by one till the desired number of repetitions.

Perform renegade rows effectively following these tips:

Start with comfortable weight: Start with a weight that is comfortable for you and not too heavy to maintain proper form and stability. increase the weight when you feel very easy lifting it.

Hips and shoulder: Keep your hips and shoulders parallel to the ground during the workout.

Maintain stability: Focus on squeezing your back muscles and maintaining core stability during the rowing motion.

Breathe: exhale while lifting weight and inhale when you lower it. Maintain a straight line: A strong and straight imaginary line from head to feet which will prevent your hips from sagging.

Incline or Decline Push-Ups

the 7 Best chest and abs workout at home incline and decline pushups

Pushups is one of the most common exercises, pushup targets your whole body and is one of the best exercises for the chest. the next exercise in our list of chest and abs workout at home are two variations of pushups i.e. incline and decline pushups. It does not need any equipment to do but a bench or a box. This exercise will increase your upper body strength and improve your body posture.

people also read: Best and effective chest workouts for Men at home

Push-Ups with a Twist

The next exercise in our list of 5 best chest and abs workout at home is Push-ups with a twist. Push-ups with a twist are another dynamic variation of regular push-ups in which we have to take a twist each side in between the push-ups. This exercise will strengthen your chest, shoulders, triceps, and core muscles. Push-ups with a twist help to improve upper body strength while targeting the obliques for a well-rounded workout. Control your movements and be stable while doing this exercise.

Let’s know  how to perform push-ups with a twist:

  • Take a start in a regular push-up position. Place your hands a little wider than your shoulder width. Remember to maintain an imaginary straight line from your head to your feet.
  • Just like regular pushups lower your chest towards the floor by bending your elbow and stop just before your chest touches the ground
  • Maintain a stable posture i.e a straight line from head to feet during the exercise
  • Then push your body back to the starting position and shift your weight to one side and raise your hands upwards toward the sky while twisting your torso to form a side plank position as shown in the figure.
  • Return to the starting push-up position after lowering your raised arm back down.
  • Repeat the push-up, and this time, raise your opposite arm by rotating your torso to form a side plank on the other side.
  • Continue to alternate sides with each push-up, adding a twist and raising the opposite arm each time.

Push-Up to Plank

The push-up to plank is a bodyweight workout, it is a dynamic movement that combines pushups with plank. It is an effective workout that focuses on the chest, shoulder, triceps, and core muscles. Pushups to plank is a great way to strengthen your upper body and improve core stability. 

Let us know how to do this workout:

  • Start your exercise in a regular push-up position. Place your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • Form an imaginary straight line by your body from your head to your feet and your toe should be on the floor.
  • Now lower your chest to the floor while bending your elbows like regular push-ups remember to keep your body in a straight line.
  • After pushing your body back to the starting position and changing your pose to a plank position by positioning your elbow down in on the floor, put your arms on the floor one by one to get into the plank position, your elbows should by directly under your shoulders.
  • Hold the plank position for a moment, ensuring that your body remains in a straight line.
  • Return to the push-up position by extending your arms one by one.
  • Repeat to do pushups then plank alternative for the desired number of repetitions or time as per your capacity.
  • If the full exercise is challenging, you can initiate by performing push-ups from your knees or starting with a plank position on your elbows before attempting the push-up.

Tips to perform push-up to plank effectively:

Maintain proper form: Maintain a proper form throughout the exercise i.e. forming an imaginary straight line from your head to heels.

Core engaged and stable: Keep your core engaged to stabilize your body during the transition from pushups to plank and plank to pushups.

Breathe: Exhale when you push up and change the position into the plank, and inhale as you lower back into the push-up position.

Control your movements:  prevent any jerking or abrupt motions by controlling your movements.

you can do these chest and abs workout at home for improving your body posture. before doing any of the exercise must take a proper and full knowledge of that exercise.

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