Try These 8 Best Bicep workouts with cables for bigger bisceps

Cable machines can be a great way to do workouts, as they give constant resistance that enables doing exercises effectively. today we are with the 8 best bicep workouts with cables by doing this you can boost the size of your bicep and strength in it. we picked some of the cable bicep workouts for you.

 Best Bicep workouts with cables for bigger bisceps

Before Moving to cable bicep workouts let us first know what are the cable workouts.

What are cable workouts? 

The cable workouts are workouts that involve cables for it. A cable workout can be done using a cable machine. It is gym equipment with a pulley system connected to weights which can be adjustable as per need. 

The cable machine allows you to do various workouts which involve pulling the cables that provide resistance throughout the workout. Cable machines usually have a variety of attachments like handles, bars, ropes, or straps that you can connect to the cable. Cable workouts can enable you to target specific muscle groups.

Benefits of bicep workout on cable machine

  • Allows constant tension during the workout making it effective
  • Enables growth in upper body shape and strength.
  • Cables provide a smoother, balanced motion that can reduce the risk of injury
  • Easy to adjust weights according to your levels
  • Cable machines enable to do variations in exercises by changing grips or angles. To boost your muscle growth.

Safety and precaution 

If you have any medical condition that affects your ability to exercise or if you are facing any pain or discomfort, it is recommended to first talk to your doctor or your health expert.

Before doing any of the exercises you have to first get the proper knowledge of the right form of doing that exercise for preventing any issues and doing any exercise effectively.

8 Cable Bicep Workouts For Bigger Biceps

the 8 bicep cable workouts that this blog will cover are:

  • Cable Biceps curl
  • Cable hammer curls  
  • Crucifix cable curls
  • Cable preacher curls
  • Single-arm cable curl 
  • Squatting cable curl
  • Cable reverse curls 
  • Wide grip cable curl

Cable Biceps curl

cable bicep curl , cable bicep workouts,

The very first exercise in our list of cable bicep workouts is the Cable biceps curl. The cable biceps curl is one of the popular exercises that is performed with the cable machine. This exercise can be used as a part of upper-body muscle-building workouts. This is one of the best exercises for beginners to tone up their bicep muscles.

Cable hammer curls  

 cable bicep workouts - Cable hammer curls

The next cable bicep workout is Cable hammer curls. The cable hammer curl is a popular cable exercise for toning up and strengthening your upper body, especially the forearms, brachialis, and bicep muscles. This exercise will help you build your biceps and increase the strength of your arm muscles. 

Crucifix cable curls

bicep workouts with cables - crucifix cable curls

The crucifix cable curls are a variation of hammer curls. This exercise is also known as cross-body hammer curls. This exercise mainly targets the biceps and forearm muscles. This helps to train your muscles from a different angle which helps to tone up and make your arms attractive.

Cable preacher curls

 cable bicep workouts- cable preacher curls

The next exercise in our list of best bicep workouts with cables is cable preacher curls or preacher curls with cable. It is a strict isolation exercise that builds strength in your biceps and forearms. This exercise also tones your bicep muscles and improves their size. Using a cable while doing a preacher allows you better control and also ensures consistent resistance on the muscles.

Single-arm cable curl 

single arm cable curls

The next exercise in our list is just a variation of bicep cable curls named single-arm cable curls. This exercise helps you to strengthen your bicep muscles. Performing single-arm cable curls helps address muscle imbalances and allows you to focus on each arm independently, ensuring equal development. 

Squatting cable curl

The next exercise in our list of cable biceps workouts is squatting cable curls. This exercise builds and strengthens the biceps and can be an effective substitute for a preacher curl. This exercise enables you to strengthen your core and arms as it challenges your cour and arms at the same time.

Cable reverse curls 

reverse cable bicep curl

The next cable bicep workout on our list is cable reverse curls. This exercise primarily targets the bicep muscles. It is also an effective exercise for building your bicep and strengthening it.

Wide grip cable curl

wide grip cable curl: best bicep cable workout

The next and last exercise on our list of bicep workouts with cable is the wide grip cable curl. It is another best bicep workouts with cables that target your biceps and forearm muscles. The wide grip targets the biceps differently than a standard grip by placing more stress on the outer portion of the muscle.

People also read: 7 Best Cable triceps workout

Tips for effective biceps workout with cable

Following are the tips that will help you do bicep workouts with cables effectively:

Vary Grips and Attachments: Try various variation experiments by changing grips and attachments (straight bar, EZ bar, rope, single-handle, etc.). Each grip variation allows you to target the biceps with different angles.

Focus on Proper Form and Control: to do any exercise effectively the main and most important thing is to maintain a proper form during the exercise and control over it.

Using Full Range of Motion during Exercise: Using full range of motion means extending your arms fully at the bottom of the movement and contracting the biceps at the top

Adjust Resistance Suitably: Don’t use too much weight or too lightweight for doing the exercise. Choose the weight appropriately according to your level, and choose a weight that challenges your muscles and also enables maintaining a proper form. 

Maintain a slow and Controlled speed: Keep a slow and controlled speed instead of hustling during the exercise. A slow and controlled movement allows for better muscle engagement and growth.

Rest and Recovery: You must take a small rest between sets and workouts to enable muscle recovery and growth. Overtraining can increase the risk of injury.

How to use cable machine?

Cable machines usually have a variety of attachments like handles, bars, ropes, or straps that you can connect to the cable. Cable workouts can enable you to target specific muscle groups. If you are new to using the cable machine, firstly take advice and information from your trainer or coach about any exercise.
Before doing any of the exercises you have to first get the proper knowledge of the right form of doing that exercise for preventing any issues and doing any exercise effectively.

what are the best cable bicep workouts?

there are many cable workouts that are best for your biceps some of them are :
Cable Biceps curl
Cable hammer curls  
Crucifix cable curls
Cable preacher curls
Single-arm cable curl 
Squatting cable curl
Cable reverse curls 
Wide grip cable curl
For doing any exercise effectively you must focus on proper form of that exercise.