7 best chest workout for men at home

Get ready to pump your chest muscles by reading this article which explains about “7 best chest workout for men at home”. In this blog, you will learn about a variety of workouts that will help you grow your chest muscles and strengthen them. We will guide you through simple and effective exercises that you can easily integrate into your daily routine.

You don’t need to go for costly gym equipment or spend hours commuting to a fitness center. But for a better result, you must go to the fitness experts before doing these exercises to know which exercises are better for you. These exercises will work if done correctly.

best chest workout for men at home
best chest workout for men at home

Advantages of chest workout

Improve chest appearance: The chest workout can help to improve your chest appearance by improving posture. These exercises develop a well-defined muscular chest.

Increase strength: working on the chest muscle can increase your upper body strength.

Balanced upper body: building your chest muscle can balance your upper body strength. This can be helpful for the maintenance of the proper body posture.

Increase metabolism: like all other resistance exercises, chest workouts can improve your metabolism and also help you burn more calories.

Prevent injuries: a well-rounded chest exercise makes your shoulder and upper back stronger and improves their strength, which reduces the risk of upper body injuries.

Increase bone density: chest exercise is a resistance exercise. Resistance exercises can increase your bone density.

Chest Workout for men at home

The best chest workout for men at home list:

  • Regular push-ups
  • Close-Grip Push -Up
  • Incline pushup
  • Plyometric Push-Up
  • Diamond  Push-Up
  • Decline Push-Ups
  • Dips

 Regular Push-Ups

best chest workout for men at home- Pushups

Pushups are one of the most common exercises, pushups target your whole body and is one of the best exercises for the chest. It does not need any equipment to do. Pushups are not only beneficial for your chest but for your whole body. As it increases strength and improves posture.

lets know the steps to do this exercise:
Start with keeping your hand a little wider than your shoulder, while being on the floor.
Balance on your hands and toes by extending your legs. Your feet must be in the distance same as your hip width.
Pull your belly button towards your spine. slowly drop yourself And
Bend your elbow to 90 degrees, and remember to inhale while going down.

You do not have to touch the floor and return to the starting position after making a 90* with your elbow. Remember to exhale while returning back to the starting position.

Repeat till your desired number of sets according to your level and capacity. Regularly exercising can increase the number of repetitions

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Close-Grip Push -Up

The close grip pushup is one of the great exercises to increase strength in your triceps and chest as it trains the inner muscle fiber of your chest. This also built a narrow base to support and further strengthen the core.

let us know how to do this exercise

  • Take a start with your hands underneath the shoulder.
  • Keep the elbows tucked with the side of your ribcage.
  • Get into a solid plank position and slowly do the pushups.
  • Keep your core and glutes tight to maintain rigidity.
  • repeat

Incline pushup

incline pushups “7 best chest workout for men at home”.

Incline push-ups are push-ups with an easier version. In these push-ups, the main thing is that your hand must be placed higher than your feet which will help you perform the push-ups you can do this with the help of any bench.

Let’s see the steps to do these push-ups

  • Start with choosing a bench or a box and stand in front of it.
  • Put your both hands, fingers pointing front.
  • Your hands must be in shoulder-width distance.
  • After putting your hands in the right place. Put your legs back in the plank position, remember to place your legs one by one.
  • Before starting to do your exercise ensure your body is in a strengthline.
  • Maintaining the line lower your chest towards the box or bench by bending your arms.
  • Then return to your starting position.
  • Repeat this exercise till your desired count as per your level.

Plyometric Push-Up

The next exercise in our list of the best chest workout for men at home is plyometric push-ups. Plyometric push-ups are one of the best exercises to increase the strength of the chest, shoulders, and triceps as this exercise activates the fast twitch muscle fiber in these areas. This exercise can be helpful in gaining muscle mass and strength.

Let’s know how you can do this at-home chest exercise.

  • Start by laying in a high plank position, keep your torso in a straight line.
  • Put your palm below your shoulder.
  • Start with lowering down your chest while maintaining a straight line throughout your body.
  • Lower your chest till your chest almost touch the floor.
  • Apply force while pushing up so that your palm leaves the ground. You can also clap your hand for increasing difficulty.
  • Land on the ground and go for the next repetition.
  • Repeat till you reach your desired count as per your level.

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Diamond  Push-Up

diamond push-ups -“7 best chest workouts for men at home”.

The next exercise in our list of best chest workout for men at home is diamond push-ups. This is another variety of push-ups you can do at home without any equipment to strengthen your chest muscles. Let us know how to do this exercise

  • Start by placing your hands together just under your chest and feet on the grounds
  • Your body must form a straight line from your head to your feet.
  • Place your fingers and thumb just like they make a diamond shape.
  • Extend your arm to raise your torso.
  • Then lower your chest to your hand.
  • Stop just before your chest touches the floor.
  • Then push yourself back to the starting position.
  • Repeat till your desired count as per your level is reached.

Decline Push-Ups

7 best chest workouts for men at home”.

Decline push-ups: the next exercise in our list of the best chest workout for men at home is decline push-ups. Decline push-ups are not as simple as incline push-ups. In decline push-ups, your hands are placed on the ground and your toes are placed above the ground. You can do this exercise using a box or a bench.

Let’s know how to do this exercise step by step

  • Start with your hands and knees. Hands must be placed at the same distance as the shoulder width. Move your feet into the position one by one.
  • Your body must be in a straight line from your shoulder to your toe.
  • Lower your chest by bending your elbows.
  • Lower your elbow till it reaches your ribcage.
  • Return to the position where you started by pushing yourself upward.
  • Repeat till the desired count as per the level


7 best chest workouts for men at home”- dips

The next exercise in our list of best chest workout for men at home is Dip. These dips can be performed on a bench, rings, parallel bar, etc only make sure that whatever you are choosing is a stable surface and a strong surface. One of the benefits of the dips is you can posture your chest and triceps from different angles for a more rounded chest.

Let’s know the steps for dips.

  • To begin stand between two bars or anything you have chosen.
  • Take a strong grip on both sides.
  • Press yourself upward by your arms as shown in the figure.
  • Then slowly down again
  • Then repeat the exercise


Can I build chest without gym?

yes! Try basic chest exercises and pushups. These will strengthen your chest muscle as well as body.

How can I train my chest without a machine?

do these exercises:
Regular push-ups
Close-Grip Push -Up
Incline pushup
Plyometric Push-Up
Diamond  Push-Up
Decline Push-Ups

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